World Cage

World Cage

  • World Cage SFW Padlock with 2 Keys

    World Cage SFW Padlock with 2 Keys

    World Cage

    Love your cock lock? It's always good to have a backup plan, like this World Cage SFW Padlock with 2 Keys. This padlock replaces the SFW padlock that comes with the World Cage™ male chastity...
  • World Cage Bali Male Chastity Kit - Small 70 mm x 32 mm World Cage Cock Lock - The BEST Chastity System in the world

    World Cage Male Chastity Kits

    World Cage

    The Most Comfortable Chastity System On The Planet!  You can wander the world, but your Cock won't with our World Cage Male Chastity Kits. Perfect for keeping rebellious sissies and wayward...

The difference in the World Cage™ Chastity Kits is the size of the cage.  The World Cage comes in three different sizes.  Our small cage, The Bali, is 32mm I.D., and the cage is 70mm long.  The Vegas is our medium cage and our most popular model.  It is 38mm I.D. and is 85mm long.  The Bangkok is our largest cage and is 40mm I.D. and is 105mm long.  Any of our cages will tame your beast if you find the right size.